What is a Coursepack?
A coursepack is a collection of materials photocopied and grouped in a book format for students. Most publishers grant permission for their books or articles to be copied and distributed in educational contexts, for a fee. Print coursepacks are sold in the campus bookstore.
Coursepack advantages:
- Students save time searching for and photocopying course readings
- Materials are obtained legally without infringing on copyright
Electronic Coursepacks
E-coursepacks are in PDF format and posted on iLearn. They reduce the coursepack price by removing printing fees. Students in the class are charged the e-coursepack fee automatically by Finance.
Materials that cannot be included in a Coursepack:
- Excerpts from textbooks – Textbook publishers usually don’t give permission for coursepacks. However, we can check.
- Entire books – Most publishers allow a maximum of 25% of the text of a book, or 2 articles from a journal issue, to be used.
- Material that the library owns in electronic form – We do not want to charge copyright fees for materials we already own in electronic form. Instead, you can link to electronic resources on iLearn. We can also purchase additional copies of ebooks if needed for the class.
How to create a Coursepack – Procedure and Process
Contact copyright@aus.edu to make a request. Please try to submit your request as early as possible, as getting permission can be a very lengthy process. Include the following information:
- Course name and number
- Names of all faculty teaching course
- The approximate number of students in the course
- List of works with full citation (author, title, page numbers, publisher and publication date). Please list the works in the order you would like them placed in the pack.
- Please note that all requests, including case studies, must be submitted before the end of Week 2 (for Fall & Spring semesters) or the end of Week 1 (for Summer semester). We cannot process requests after those dates due to deadlines for charging student accounts.
Harvard Business Case Studies & Teaching Materials
Harvard Business Publishing has a large catalog of case studies, simulations, and other teaching materials.
- Faculty can make an educator account
- With an educator account, faculty can view teacher only versions of the materials in order to select appropriate teaching materials.
- Students will have access to the materials via iLearn. For some materials (simulations, online tutorials), students will have to create their own accounts to get access.
- Contact copyright@aus.edu to request specific materials for your class.
- Costs: Most materials cost between 15-30 AED per student. Professors must inform students that they will be charged for this material on their University bill.