The AUS library is integral to the academic life of the university and has provided needed resources and services since the inception of the university. A separate purpose-built, state-of-the-art library opened in 2006. The library building is located next to the main building in the center of the campus, with a total of 8,750 square meters of usable space, on three floors.
The facility houses: “information commons” computer environment; two computer classrooms for teaching information literacy and research skills; printers, photocopiers and scanners; books, periodicals and media collections; study spaces, including group study and presentation rooms; media preview rooms; library services desk; self-checkout stations; university archives; library technical services; and library administration offices.
AUS Library Tour
Computer Stations - Ground Floor
- Bring your own device (BYOD) seating
- Coworking table
- Choice of 3 Dell All-in-One computers
- 1 accessibility workstation
Computer Labs - Ground Floor IC1 and IC2
- Instruction rooms with IC1: 29 & IC2: 24 Dell All-in-One computers
- Dedicated to information literacy classes, workshops, and other library-related instruction
- Students are welcome to use these computers when rooms are not occupied
- See our Software page for more information on the installed programs
Computer Stations - First Floor
- Choice of 45 Dell All-in-One computers, 4 x A4 and 1 x A3 scanners
- Choice of 9 iMac computers
- See our Software page for more information on the installed programs
Group Study Rooms - First Floor
- Equipped with whiteboards (see Service Desk to check out markers and erasers)
- Power and data for your laptop
- Limited to groups of 2 or more
- Unattended items will be removed
- Advanced reservation available for 1, 8, 9 and 16 (3 hour time limit)
Presentation Rooms - First Floor
- Equipped with 55" LED flat-screen TVs with HDMI, VGA, and AUX input
- Equipped with whiteboards (see Service Desk to check out markers and erasers)
- Can be reserved in advance and must be checked out at the Library Service Desk
- 3 hour time limit
- Must not be left unattended
- Unattended items will be removed
- Advanced reservation available
Recording Studio - First Floor
- Located on the first floor (in the Research Help Center)
- Equipped with 1 iMAC Workstation, 1 headset, and 1 microphone
- Can be reserved in advance and must be checked out at the Library Service Desk
- 3 hour time limit
- Must not be left unattended
- Unattended items will be removed
- User policy must be read and acknowledged upon checkout of the studio key
Single Carrel Desk - First Floor
- Choice of 26 carrel desks
- For individual study or reading
- Choice of 39 tables
- Can be reserved in advance and must be checked out at the Library Service Desk
- 3 hour time limit
- Must not be left unattended
- Unattended items will be removed
Single Carrel Desk - Second Floor
- Choice of 70 carrel desks
- For individual study or reading
- Choice of 46 tables
General Collection
- Located on the 2nd floor of the library
- Holds the majority of titles in the library
- Yellow call number labels indicate Arabic-language items
Reference Collection
- Located on the 1st floor of the library
- Holds materials such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks
- This is a non-circulating collection
- Includes journals, magazines, and newspapers
- Back issues of periodicals are located on the 2nd floor of the library
- Current issues of periodicals are located on the ground floor of the library
- Newspapers are on the 1st floor, by the Leisure Reading Collection
- Journals may be borrowed, with the exception of current issues.
- Looking for electronic journals? Search Journal Finder
Leisure Reading Collection
- Located on the 1st floor of the library
- Popular fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, comics, and manga
Media Collection
- Located on the 1st floor of the library
- Holds movies and documentaries in DVD, BluRay, or VHS format
- This is a circulating collection
Special Collections
- To access the collection visit the Service Desk
- Located on the 1st floor of the library
- Special Collections is open to all AUS students and faculty
- To access the collection visit the Service Desk
- Located in the basement of the library
- Holds older periodicals and VHS tapes
The AUS Writing Center is located in the AUS Library on the ground floor (LIB 024) and at a satellite location in the School of Business Administration (SBA 1176).

For more information, visit the Writing Center webpage: https://www.aus.edu/cas/writing-center
The Mathematics Learning Center (MLC) is located in room NAB 239A in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and in the LIB118 - Library 1st Floor.
For more information, visit the Math Learning Center webpage: https://www.aus.edu/cas/about/resources/math-learning-center-mlc
The Center for Innovation, Teaching and Learning (CITL) multipurpose room is located in LIB-011, Library building ground floor. The CITL Director's Office is located in LIB-018.
For more information on the CITL, please visit CITL webpage.

The AUS Testing Center is located in the basement of the Library Building.
For more information, please visit their webpage: https://www.aus.edu/admissions/study-at-aus/testing-center

- Located on the ground floor, across from the library entrance
- Visit https://sheraa.ae/ for more information