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University Library

UAE Engineering Challenge

Article Date
March 17, 2022

AUS undergraduate and graduate students are invited to register for this year’s UAE Engineering Challenge co-ordinated by Elsevier, IET and KnowledgeE.  

Teams of 3 or 4 AUS students can register by the deadline: March 23, 2022.

Teams compete to answer a set of engineering questions supplied by Elsevier.

To submit answers (due March 31st), access to the following resources will be available:

Engineering Village with Inspec

Challenge organizers suggest students create a Knovel account for remote access and recommend you use sharing options. You can also create an account for Engineering Village. 

Support for Knovel
Support for Engineering Village

The winning team will be announced in April with their case study published on and social media channels.

Please email if you have any problems. 

Good Luck to all entrants!
AUS Library