Collection Development
The AUS Library Collection Development Policy can be accessed for further information regarding collection building and acquisition policies.
The following are General Library Policies. We also have Borrowing & Access Policies.
The AUS Library Collection Development Policy can be accessed for further information regarding collection building and acquisition policies.
The AUS Library adheres to copyright regulations outlined in UAE Federal Law No.40 of 1992 On the Protection of Intellectual Works and Copyright.
As an institution accredited in the United States, the library also adheres to the spirit of copyright legislation existing in the United States as it pertains to the distribution of scholarly material.
For more information about copyright please see our Copyright and Permissions Service.
The AUS Library welcomes inquiries about donations, but has strict limits on what is accepted. For each donation we accept, there are both immediate and long-term expenses to cover processing of the items and making the items accessible. Generally, only items that would make a unique and important contribution to the library collection will be considered.
The AUS Library does not accept:
Prospective donors should NOT send unsolicited items. They should, instead, first contact a Liaison Librarian to speak about the usefulness of the proposed donation. To help evaluate proposed donations, the Library may request that donors provide a list of materials.
No monetary value will be placed on materials given to the library. No special conditions will be agreed for housing, retention, display or any other variation from normal library practice. The library’s selection and weeding principles apply to donated items in the same manner as they apply to purchased items.
For more information, please contact us at
AUS Library’s Food & Drink Policy is intended to preserve our library materials, computer equipment, and furnishings, and to maintain a pleasant and comfortable environment for our readers and staff.
We also recognize the University’s commitment to move toward sustainable waste reduction initiatives.
Your help in this effort is greatly appreciated.
Food is not allowed in the library.
Unless otherwise posted, drinks may be consumed in the library. We encourage reusable cups or recycle your disposable cups / bottles.
keywords: eat, eating, drink, drinking, coffee, tea
The Library is committed to providing students and faculty with an inspiring and engaging learning environment that meets a wide variety of needs. To support this mission, the Library has adopted the following statement of Library User Rights and Responsibilities.
The AUS Library provides:
Library users are expected to:
Library users, as members of a community of learners, play an important role in creating an environment that is conducive to research, reflection and collaborative learning. As such, all library users are expected to act appropriately in the library and conduct themselves in accordance with these rights and responsibilities. Users who do not comply and who disrespect the rights of others will be asked for their university ID, escorted from the building and referred to university authorities.
For detailed information, please refer to the AUS Student Handbook – Library Code of Conduct
Our vision is to be the leading University library in the region with innovative services, technologies and resources. For our AUS community we will be integral to information discovery, knowledge creation and academic success.
The AUS Library realizes our vision and supports the mission of the University by:
Library users are urged to set their mobile phones to silent or vibrate out of respect for the other users of the library.
The following principles are aimed at increasing the visibility and impact of publications by our faculty, researchers and students.
Photography or videography is generally permitted if it is for general Public Library promotion by the media, student projects, and/or strictly for personal use.
In order to protect the rights of individual Library patrons and to reduce distractions, photographing and videotaping on Library property are restricted as follows:
Photographing or videotaping for commercial purposes is not permitted without approval by the University Librarian. Requests for permission to photograph or videotape for commercial purposes must be submitted in writing for review by the University Librarian.
keywords: pictures, videos, filming
The following rules apply to all study rooms on the 1st floor of the library:
Individuals who prefer to study quietly may use the Silent Study Area on the 1st or 2nd floor.
Seminar Room 1:
Seminar Room 2:
The AUS Library provides employment opportunities for currently registered undergraduate students depending on library needs.
The basic requirements you must fulfill for student employment are:
Successful applicants are assigned a work schedule according to their class schedules and are expected to continue working through study periods and finals.
Library Student Assistant Responsibilities
Newly Hired Students
As a new hire, your job consists mainly of the following activities:
You may also be assigned by your supervisor to shifts at the Library Service Desk or in Technical Services based on your computer skills. Service Desk responsibilities will include carrying out routine equipment checks and rounds, assisting library patrons with check-outs, and trouble-shooting computers/printers/copiers etc.
Returning Students
In addition to performing the aforementioned tasks, returning students will respond to tier-one level patron queries at the Service Desk and refer reference questions as necessary. You will also begin to work more closely with individual departments such as Public Services, Technical Services and Information Commons, or on special projects.
How to Apply
Hiring takes place only at the beginning of the Fall semester* (subject to operational needs) and occasionally at the beginning of the Spring semester. Applications are accepted from 2 weeks before classes start to the end of the first week of classes.
The American University of Sharjah Library welcomes visitors for research and study purposes.
Library privileges for visitors are outlined in the Terms of Use below. To register as a visitor, complete the Visitor Access Request Form. Send the completed form and required documents to If approved, the Library will request a Gate Pass for visitor access onto campus for the duration of the visit (maximum one month per request).
Library Terms of Use:
Library privileges for visitors include:
Library privileges for visitors exclude:
Visitors must observe all library rules and regulations.
The Library reserves the right to grant or deny access, and specify the period of visitor access, according to operational requirements. Further documentation (such as an introductory letter from an external University or organization requesting cooperation) may be requested.