Items are loaned for 28 days and will be automatically renewed provided that:
No other patron has requested the item
Your patron account is not due to expire within the next 28 days
Items may be recalled by another user after two weeks. In this case, you will be notified and given a reasonable amount of time to return the item to the library. Should you still need the items, you may place a hold request after you return them.
Reserve items can be requested from the Service Desk. Most can be borrowed for two hours and may not be taken from the library. Items can be photocopied subject to copyright limitations.
Fines may apply to any late returns or lost items.
You are responsible for all materials checked out to your account. The library strongly advises against loaning items you have borrowed to another person.
Licensing agreements restrict off-campus access to electronic resources for currently enrolled students and faculty/staff only, or onsite access.